Monday, January 21, 2008


The City of Pasadena, California with a population of 135,000 is nestled below the majestic San Gabriel Mountains just 10 miles from downtown Los Angeles. Pasadena, a city rich in historical charm and architectural beauty, is home to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology and many cultural and business institutions as well as one of the world’s largest New Year Celebrations, the famous Tournament of Roses Parade and Rose Bowl Game.

Pasadena is also home to The Salvation Army’s Pasadena Tabernacle Band directed by Bandmaster William B. Flinn. The members of this all volunteer band are active Salvationists who fully participate in the ministries and worship services at The Salvation Army Pasadena Tabernacle corps.

The band has enjoyed many “firsts” in their long history. The Tabernacle Band was the first Salvation Army band to march in the Rose Parade, an unbroken tradition that has continued since 1920. It was the first Army band to broadcast on national radio in 1931 and in 1946 became the first Army band to fly to an engagement. They were also the first corps band from the Northern Hemisphere to travel to the Southern Hemisphere.

Affectionately known as the Tab Band, this group of Christian musicians has been associated with five different corps names since being established in 1893. The group has the distinction of being one of the most traveled Salvation Army corps bands having undertaken music ministry tours to the United Kingdom, Demark, Germany, the Netherlands, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Chile and throughout the United States from Hawaii to New York­; Alaska to Florida. The band will celebrate its 115th Anniversary in the spring of 2008 with a five state musical tour of the southern United States.

The Tab Band has produced over 20 recordings and has been has been featured on numerous radio, television shows and in films. Its latest CD release is titled “Proclamation.”

The members of this multigenerational band come from a wide variety of occupations and pursuits. Many are high school and college students as well as business executives, entrepreneurs, teachers, nurses, executives of not for profit agencies and those who work in the many ministries of The Salvation Army throughout the greater Los Angeles area. They share a common commitment to serve the Lord Jesus Christ and to support the mission of the band to enhance and support worship while providing a means of outreach and spiritual growth for the Lord and the Army.


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