Thursday, April 03, 2008

The Charlotte Miracle

Well - things started out a bit crazy this morning!

We left the hotel at about 5:00 am to make our flight to Orlando from Charlotte. When Jim Gebhardt arrived with the equipment truck, he learned that our flight had actually been booked for yesterday!

We're not quite sure how that happened, but it's not really that important. What is important is that by some miracle, we were able to get all new tickets on a different flight for all 45 or so of us, and that this new flight would get us into Orlando only 1 hour later than originally planned.

Unfortunately, buying 45 one way tickets 30 minutes before boarding raised some redflags with the Transportation Safety Administration (the other TSA), so each of us were singled out for extra security screening.

We made it to Orlando via Atlanta one hour later than scheduled. Only John Docter's suitcase was missing. but since we won't need our suitcases until tomorrow, it will be delivered to the motel while we are at EPCOT center.

The day has already been exhausting and we've still got a long day at EPCOT Planned.


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