Friday, April 04, 2008

Some Sad News...

Just as we pulled away from our lunch at Planet Hollywood, after the bus had settled down and the band had completed it's amazingly efficient roll call, Captain Dusty Hill said that he had an announcement for the band.

He announced that he and Shelley had received their orders and would be moving at the end of June to take over as Divisional Commanders of the Hawaii and Pacific Islands division. He also announced that since he was soon to be a divisional commander, he would no longer answer to the name Dusty and that we should refer to him only as Captain Edward A. Hill.

Now, most of us knew that this would be coming, but actually hearing it was a real bummer. Dusty and Shelley have been great corps officers. I know this is a good move for the Army and for the Hills, but it is difficult to imagine the Tab under new leadership (at least for me, since they've been the only officers there since I arrived in 2004.)

I know that God has the right people for us. We are very grateful that He brought the Hills to us and that they will leave the corps as strong and vibrant as it has ever been. Pray for us, the Hills, and our new officers-to-be.

1 Comment:

Johnny said...

Didn't he used to be in ZZ Top?! ;-)

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