Thursday, April 03, 2008

Charlotte, NC

Wednesday, April 2, 2008 - Charlotte, N.C.

The Tab Band experienced the most recent highlight of its 115 year history last night when we performed a concert at the Victory Christian Center in Charlotte, North Carolina. The congregation for the concert numbered over 1,500. Most were from the church led by Pastor Robyn Gool. The church is less than 30 years old but has nearly 4,000 members and massive education and social services. The church also has a great collaboration with The Salvation Army. The congregation is primarily African-American. The facilities of the church were amazing. Everything was state of the art and it was exceptionally well maintained and professional. We were warmly greeted and well treated during our stay. We were grateful to the local Army and the Victory Christian Center for their many kindnesses.

A few of the highlights of the concert included outstanding solo presentations by John Doctor (“Standing on the Promises”) , Martin Hunt (“Holy, holy, holy”), Lambert Bittinger (“Travel Along”), Matt Woods (“He had to hold to Calvary”), and James Allen (Grieg Piano Concerto).

Jim Sparks did his usual “meet the band” segment to the delight of the audience. When he introduced the piece “Disney Magic” it was suggested that the children come and sit on the steps in front of the band. It was a delightful thing to witness a hundred or so children pour from the vast auditorium on to the stage near the band.

I had the privilege of sharing a brief devotional based on Romans 5:8 and then interviewing Jody Davis. Evidently, it was Jody’s first public spoken testimony. He did great. We focused on his work as a Police Officer and how God helps to sustain him in that ministry. Jody believes that God has “called” him to this vocation as a means to serve him. Well done Jody!

The band is doing great. A calm and loving spirit is evident even as we get fatigued. Bill’s leadership of the band is greatly appreciated. Having said that, I think we are all beginning to look forward to our return home in a few days.

Captain Edward Hill


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